June 11, 2021
Kevin Dinh a Southern California police officer from the Garden Grove Police Department has been charged with threatening and striking homeless people while on duty. 37-year old Dinh is a 12-year veteran of the department. As per victims statement California Police officer charged for assaulting to homeless People ruthlessly and brutally to wipe them out from area.
Though he has not been arrested after the charges were filed, he has been asked to go on administrative leave.
According to the prosecutor, Kevin Dinh threatened and strike homeless people in two different incidents last year. Both the incidents were recorded by body-worn cameras.
In September 2020, Dinh struck a homeless man on the head outside a restaurant and threatened to knock out his teeth. A month later in October 2020, while investigating a package theft, Dinh struck a handcuffed man on the head and pulled his hair. The man was later released.
According to the Orange County District Attorney, Dinh faces multiple charges including attempted criminal threats, battery and assault.
The police department announced a statement stating that Dinh was immediately placed on administrative leave after inappropriate use of force was reported by another officer after the second alleged assault.
A criminal investigation into the matter is being pursued by the department.
Dinh’s arraignment is scheduled for July 21. If convicted he will face a maximum sentence of four years in jail.
Police Misconduct and Brutality
Have you or your loved one been a victim of police misconduct ? Most people are unaware of when their rights have been violated by the police. People are not aware of what is legal and what is not in terms of police conduct and action.
Police misconduct and brutality can include, but is not limited to:
• Use of excessive force
• Unwarranted use of police dogs for attacking
• Making a false arrest and illegal detention
• False imprisonment
• Spiteful and Biased Prosecution
• Racial profiling
• Illegal searches
• Abuse and assault in custody
• Fake charges of resisting arrest or assaulting a police officer
How can a Civil Rights Lawyer help?
A professional Civil Rights Lawyer can help you understand your rights and offer you legal options if any of the rights have been violated. The lawyer can help you file a lawsuit to help clear the fake charges, protect your rights and help recover any damages incurred due to police misconduct Police misconduct cases are very complex. You will need guidance from an experienced lawyer to handle it.
Our team of professional lawyers at Khashan Law can help represent you and handle the police misconduct or brutality lawsuit. Police misconduct can result in false imprisonment and loss of job.
Police brutality can lead to severe injuries and at times death. You should not take any form of police misconduct or brutality lying down. You have a right to take legal action. We will ensure you get the best representation in your case and receive justice.
We will help you punish the guilty and receive compensation in case of losses suffered. Contact us at 951.461.2387 for a free and confidential consultation today.