October 26, 2021
On Saturday afternoon, a man from Fresno County was killed when his motorcycle crashed into a van. Just before 1:30 p.m., occurred the fatal crash at McKinley and Temperance Avenues.
According to the California Highway Patrol, the motorcyclist was believed to be travelling at dangerously high speeds when the van attempted to make a U-turn ahead of him.
He died as a result of the ensuing collision. The van’s occupants, a woman, and a child were injured minorly. The motorcycle rider is a 38-year-old Fresno County resident from the Sanger area, according to the CHP.
Common Injuries in a Motorcycle Accident
The amount of compensation you receive in a claim for damages can make a significant difference in your life now and in the future. The injuries might be so severe that medical help may be required for months or years afterwards.
Injuries can leave victims disabled or disfigured, and any settlement offered needs to factor in the medical equipment, surgeries, and physical therapy required in the future.
These are just a few of the frightening injuries that may require more than just a visit to an emergency room:
- Blunt Force Trauma: Motorcyclists travel with no walls or a roof, and that lack of protection can subject riders to extreme force. The rider may sustain multiple injuries as the rider may be the victim of more than one impact with the vehicle and with the road surface. Internal organs may rupture due to this trauma, and the soft tissue that holds organs and other physical parts in place may be damaged.
- Chest Injuries: Ribs and other bones might break, causing breathing problems. Damage to the heart and esophagus is possible. In addition, a blow to the back can injure kidneys.
- Concussion/Brain Injury: Headaches, seizures, and vomiting can lead to traumatic brain injury (TBI). Also, victims of more serious injuries may lose their memories.
- Fractures: The neck, skull, and face may be severely damaged, resulting in broken bones and teeth. Any of these injuries have the potential to leave a person permanently disfigured. For example, when a motorcyclist gets thrown off their bike, their natural reflex is to extend their hands and arms to protect themselves. The fingers, wrists, and elbows can be left broken.
- Road Rash: Severe abrasions can cause skin damage and require skin grafts. Another injury that can result in permanent disfigurement is this one.
Motorcycle Accident Lawyers
Injury victims in California have up to two years to file a claim for damages. In most cases, you will want to file as quickly as possible after an accident because the evidence will be easier to gather, and witnesses will be easier to locate.
If you or your loved one have been a victim of a motorcycle accident, please contact Khashan Law in California at 951.461.2387 to make an appointment for a free consultation.
We are dedicated to helping accident victims and their loved ones to obtain the maximum monetary compensation possible.