California elder abuse lawyers can make a difference in your settlement
The Lawyers at Khashan Law Firm are among Southern California’s most respected elder abuse attorneys. Led by skilled and aggressive trial lawyers with more than 25-years of combined experience, Khashan law firm sets the standard to protect our seniors and dependent adults from abuse and neglect.
One unexpected result of American’s increased life expectancy is a parallel increase in the occurrences of elder abuse. The definition of elder abuse according the World Health Organization, is defined as: A single or repeated act or lack of appropriate action occurring within any relationship where there is an expectation of trust, which causes harm or distress to an older person.
A single or repeated act or lack of appropriate action occurring within any relationship
where there is an expectation of trust, which causes harm or distress to an older person.
Elder abuse takes many different forms, some involving intimidation or
threats against the
elderly, some involving neglect, and others involving financial scams and exploitation. Sometimes
the abuse of
elders comes at the hands of family members; while other times it comes from paid caregivers, either
in the home or
in facilities. A reputable elder abuse attorney can help bring these people to
Elder Abuse as a Crime with Actionable Consequences
Elder abuse cases that end up in the courts refers to the intentional or neglectful acts by a caregiver or “trusted” individual that lead to, or may lead to the harm of a vulnerable elder person. Neglect, physical abuse, emotional or psychological abuse; verbal abuse and threats; financial abuse and financial exploitation, sexual abuse, and abandonment are all forms of elder abuse that can be actionable. We can advise if you or a loved-one has an actionable case.
Who is at Risk for Elder Abuse?
Elder abuse can happen anywhere any time. Occur anywhere — in the home or in a retirement, senior living or nursing home facility. Elder abuse affects seniors across all socio-economic levels, cultures, and races. Dementia is often a significant risk factor as are mental health and substance abuse of both elder victims and their abusers. Isolation, such as where a family member or paid care giver tends to an elder in the elder’s home is also a document risk factor. Finally, women and significantly older elders are more likely to be victims.
What are the Warning Signs of Elder Abuse?
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has laid out the “gold standard” of the warning signs to look out for. While one sign does not necessarily indicate abuse, some tell-tale signs that there could be a problem are:
- Bruises, pressure sores, broken bones, abrasions, and burns may be an indication of physical abuse and neglect or mistreatment.
- Unexplained withdrawal from normal activities, a sudden change in alertness, and unusual depression may be indicators of emotional abuse.
- Bruises around the breasts or genital area can occur from sexual abuse.
- Sudden changes in financial situations may be the result of exploitation.
- Bedsores, unattended medical needs, poor hygiene, and unusual weight loss are indicators of
possible neglect. - Behavior such as belittling, threats, and other uses of power and control by spouses are
indicators of verbal or emotional abuse. - Strained or tense relationships, frequent arguments between the caregiver and elderly person are
also signs.
Elder Financial Abuse
Financial abuse of an elder person is a form of exploitation where someone takes advantage of an elderly person financially. This can include stealing money, refusing to give money back, or manipulating the elderly person into taking out loans they can’t afford. Elder financial abuse can be difficult to detect, and can often go unnoticed for a long time.
Elder financial abuse can be a common issue in family disputes. This includes situations where one family member tries to take advantage of the elderly person’s trust or money, often through simple forgery or psychological coercion.
Financial elder abuse can include:
- Using a Power of Attorney, given by the victim as a license to steal money from the victim’s account. Taking advantage of joint bank accounts or doing transactions related to real estate in the same way
- Using ATM cards and stealing checks for withdrawing money from the victim’s accounts without their knowledge or permission
- If the victim does not comply with financial demands made by the perpetrator, they may be threatened with abandonment, hitting or any other form of physical harm.
- Refusing to provide or arrange for required care and medical services for the elderly victim in order to keep the person’s assets and money available for personal use.
- In-home care providers who charge for services are often found to be keeping change from errands, paying bills which don’t belong to the vulnerable adult and asking the vulnerable adult to sign falsified time sheets. These providers spend their work time on the phone rather than doing what they are paid to do.
Most Cases of Elder Abuse go Unreported
Unfortunately, most cases of elder abuse go unreported. Research indicates that more than one in ten elders may experience some type of abuse but only one in five cases are reported. Upshot? Very few seniors who have been abused ever receive the help they need.
The Elder Abuse attorneys at Khashan Law represent elders and the family members of elders in Southern California fight for the rights of their elder family members and to be adequately compensated for elder abuse and nursing home abuse including dehydration, malnutrition, bed sores, broken bones, wrongful death and other instances of abuse and neglect. Our highly experienced and aggressive trial lawyers possess a deep compassion for victims of elder abuse and nursing home negligence and neglect, and seek to provide justice and remuneration to such victims.
Contingency Fee Basis = NO Out-of-Pocket Costs to get started
At Khashan Law, we represent elder abuse and other personal injury victims
on a contingency
fee basis. If we don’t obtain a settlement or money judgment for you, we don’t receive a fee.
Southern California
Elder Abuse Attorneys at Khashan Law have been providing experienced, aggressive representation to
elder abuse and
nursing home abuse victims and their families. Let us put our 25-years of combined expertise to work
for you!
The law imposes a time limit within which a personal injury claim must be
filed. If you wait
too long to contact a personal injury attorney after an incident of Elder Abuse is observed or
uncovered, you may
lose the right to receive monetary compensation for you or your family members physical or emotional
injuries. Don’t
let this happen! Call a Southern California Elder Abuse Lawyer at Khashan Law today to set up your
Contact a Southern California Personal Injury Lawyer
Unexpected and unfortunate things happen to good people. Our caring legal
professionals are here to help you recover the financial payment you deserve so you can get on with
your life. Remember, all legal fees are based on a percentage of the award, and you pay nothing for
our services until we win your case. We have three conveniently-located offices in Southern
Southern California Cities we serve include, but are not limited to:
Do you have questions about your Personal Injury Case?
If you are an accident victim who has been injured in a vehicle accident, in
a slip and fall accident at some business or facility, or injured by the negligent and wrongful
conduct of others, and need answers to your questions or to find out what your case is worth, please
call us today at (951) 461-2387 for a free, confidential consultation. Or if you prefer, fill out
our Contact Form. A lawyer or staffer from Southern California Personal Injury Lawyers
will call as soon as possible you to schedule an appointment.