August 28, 2018
Although dogs are America’s favorite companion, making loyal and friendly pets, there are times these lovable canines can misbehave or act out unexpectedly towards their owner or other people. There can be a number of reasons why your dog may be misbehaving and it is important to first understand what is going on with our pets to find the proper solution. Biting, barking, and chewing are just a few examples of canine behavioral issues that may be misunderstood by dog owners. After figuring out why our dogs are acting out, you can seek obedience training to help prevent recurring issues. Let’s dive into the most common behavior dog problems below.
1. Barking
It is considered normal for most dogs to bark, growl, whine, and howl occasionally, but excessive barking is an issue. There are a number of reasons why your canine may be barking:
- Warning
- Alert
- Excited
- Being playful
- Anxious
- Bored
- Answering to other dogs/animals
It is important to be consistent and patient when it comes to training your pets to control excessive barking. A great consideration may be to teach your loving dog quiet commands.
2. Chewing
Nibbling or chewing is a natural habit for all dogs. However, it can pose a huge problem if the chewing gets out of control and the canines begin to destruct anything that isn’t a chew toy, including personal belongings. Some common reasons dogs chew things are due to:
- Teething (puppies)
- Boredom
- Stress/Anxiety
- Excess energy
- Curiosity
Gnawing on objects is especially frequent for puppies that are teething. A good tip is to provide your dogs plenty of accessible chew toys while keeping your valuable personal belongings out of reach and/or stowed away. Whenever you leave your dog at home, make sure they are in a space with the least possibility of destruction. In cases your dog does chew on items they aren’t supposed to, discipline them by making a sharp noise and immediately replace the item they chewed on with a chew toy. Canines often have a lot of energy and result to chewing or biting things to release it. Stimulating your dogs with consistent and plenty of exercise will help blow off any excess steam that may help them stay in much calmer moods after wearing them out during exercise such as walking, jogging, playing fetch, and catch.
3. Chasing
Chasing prey is also a part of a dog’s natural predatory instinct. A lot of dogs may chase people, cars, and other animals. Unfortunately, these situations may lead to dangerous and severe outcomes. You can help control your pet’s urge to chase by:
- Keeping your canine on a leash at all times when out in public
- Supervised indoors
- Train your dog to come to you on command
- Have a noisemaker or dog whistle to catch their attention
- Stay alert and aware of your surroundings with your dog, especially pedestrians and joggers
4. Biting
Adult breeds may bite for a number of reasons, including their instinctual habit tracing back to their pack mentality. Puppies usually bite people or other dogs more out of curiosity, and to explore their environment in order to figure out where they belong in the pack. Owners must uphold a strict no-biting tolerance towards their dogs by teaching them (starting from puppies is most effective) bite inhibition. Besides natural puppy behavior, many dogs bite due to:
- Fear
- Defense
- Protecting their owner or property
- Pain
- Sickness
- Predatory instinct
- Asserting dominance
Although some breeds are more likely to bite than others, it is important as owners to train their pets proper socialization and discipline to help decrease likelihood of canine bites. If you or someone you know has been bitten or attacked by a dog, it is critical you seek medical attention immediately regardless of how minor your injury may appear and seek legal advice with an experienced dog bite attorney.
Related: Top 5 Breeds Likely to Bite
5. Aggression
Growling, biting, lunging, and showing teeth are all common forms of canine aggression. Any canine can become aggressive, regardless of the type of breed or how often calm and friendly they may be. Dogs with an abusive or violent history or belonging to aggressive breeds are more likely to display combative behavior towards anyone or anything they deem as a threat. Showing signs of aggression are similar to common reasons a dog may bite you and may be considered a very serious problem.
If your pet has aggressive impulses, it would be wise to discuss their behavior with your vet first in the event that it may be because of a health-related issue.
If you or someone you know has had injuries resulting from a dog bite or canine attack in San Bernardino County, don’t hesitate to consult with a Dog Bites attorney at Khashan Law. We work hard to fight for your case to ensure you collect maximum compensation for your traumatic experience. Our experienced team of dog bite attorneys will handle the filing process so you can focus on the long road to recovery. Call Khashan Law today for a free consultation.